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The floor after element


Continue to grow actively


New insight



Schermafbeelding 2020-08-03 om 09.04.36.

For people who  






By invitation:  The travel group in Element Business is diverse in temperament and background. You will encounter entrepreneurs from different industries who are all in a transformation process and who encounter challenges of a similar level.  


Element  scan: In an intake  of two hours we will make a scan of your elementary balance together with you. Like this  do we get  a clear picture of the intention  by which  you embark on your journey through the elements.  The scan is a navigation tool that can help you stay on course and frame your insights.  


Intensive 1: The power of dreams and symbolic leadership....Fire 

In your dreams your soul speaks clear language through symbols. learning to recognize the symbol language in your dreams helps you to see the symbolism in your daily reality. Everyone and everything mirrors you and helps you move forward. In this two-day intensive you make contact with your true passion. You get a brand new one  perspective  Bee.  


Intensive 2: The power of natural order and the wisdom of animals...Earth

These two days are all about the power of 'not knowing'. What happens if you let go of your knowledge and know and start racing on a large field of knowledge? For a person that is a big step that requires surrender. Animals are masters of it and can help us remember how the primordial principle of not-knowing works. You will experience how horses can intervene very precisely in human processes based on their intuition. You learn to use this 'knowing field' for yourself. This session is supervised together with Coby van Beets van der Hoeff from Kifungo


Intensive 3: The power of the surrender and the inspiration of plants...Water

There is a big difference between doing 'nothing' and doing 'not'. These two days the ego is sidelined for a while. Our ego wants to be active, it wants to 'break through', 'achieve', 'let go' and much more. What happens if you have this ego  let go of activity and surrender to the wisdom of the whole? That sure is exciting  because  we have all learned to be in control. Still,  a relaxed state of surrender exactly the space that your wisdom and  division power  needs to reach you.  In this  two day ceremony is shamanically traveled with plants. you become very  carefully guided so that you  relaxed receive the lessons of your deeper self.


Intensive 4:  The power of the adversary...Air

What happens when you take your own inner adversary seriously? We work with a structure called 'shadow pearl'. Anyone who dares to take this plunge into their own shadows is guaranteed to change their own view of frustration from that moment on. This two-day event is anything but 'breezy'. The session is very useful for leaders who want to prevent their unconscious shadow side from continuing to play a role in their guidance. You get to know and respect your own inner 'adversary'.


Integration Days: Ether and Integration

It should be clear that Element is not a typical trajectory for leaders who have a  seeking a challenge. Element is suitable for those who are willing to explore themselves and their role in depth. For people who dare to do this, it is a transformative experience that is carefully guided. After every two-day element session there is an integration day. On these days, specific attention is paid to grounding  of your experiences.


Coaching: The personal touch

Each participant is entitled to two coaching conversations during the process. Because this trajectory is about your inner world  and about your impact on the outside world, a coaching conversation can help to connect these two worlds.  



Location: Each session takes place at a location that suits the element in question.


† January 2021           Fire and dream        The Hoorneboeg       

….February 2021          Integration session       The Hoorneboeg    

… March 2021         Earth and animal         The Renske farm       

...April 2021           Integration session      animal path        

...May 2021            water and plants       The Court of Axen       

...June 2021           Integration session        The Hoorneboeg    

...July 2021            Sky and shadow      The Hoorneboeg       

...September 2021       Integration session        The Hoorneboeg    


Location: The locations are spread throughout the Netherlands 

Registration closes at 10  Attendees.





If you want to know more  about  context of our thinking about leadership, we recommend that you  blog  to read 'the manager and the shaman'...

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